Castoroides ohioensis
The Giant Beaver, also known as Castoroides, lived in the prehistoric
woodlands of North America over 10,000 years ago. It weighed about 200
pounds and was up to 8 feet long when alive. This giant beaver was molded and cast from the most complete specimen found to date currently housed by the Joseph Moore Museum at Earlham College.
Roughly 10,000 years old, this ice age beaver is related to today’s Castor canadensis, but was much larger (see skull comparison in photo above). The skull structure of the giant beaver shows that it presumably participated in extended underwater activity, thanks to the ability to take in more oxygen into its lungs.
Modern beavers have chisel-like incisor teeth for gnawing on wood, while the teeth of the giant beaver were bigger and broader. Its food is thought to have consisted of aquatic vegetation including cattails and other plants, as its teeth might not have been as efficient on wood. Lodges made of small saplings have been found.
This is a great addition to any ice age exhibit. It can be posed alone or interacting with various predators from the same time.
LENGTH: 6 feet (1.9 m)
DIET: Herbivore
LOCATION: Richmond, IN
AGE: Pleistocene